Saturday, March 21, 2020

Taking a Calculus Course in Fort Collins

Taking a Calculus Course in Fort CollinsIf you are taking a course in calculus and there is a chance that the instructor does not have calculus tutors at the college you attend, it may be a good idea to take a look at Fort Collins calculus tutor resources. These resources are available online and can be very helpful when you are looking for an effective tutor.If you are looking for a Fort Collins calculus tutor, you should be very careful when making your selection. There are many different ways to find a good tutor. It can be easy to get a terrible tutor or a good one in the wrong place, so be sure that you find a good one.Many people think that all of the tutors at Taylor Square Live are good. They might be because they see them being taught by Mr. T. However, if you go to Taylor Square Live, you will see that the teachers are not the same. The teachers at Taylor Square Live also teach different courses.In order to find a calculus tutor in Fort Collins, you need to start looking at different websites. If you are willing to spend some time doing research on the internet, you will find a great deal of information regarding the web. Just remember that you will find many different options when you want to find a good tutor.The internet is full of online resources that you can use. If you start looking at online resources, you will find that there are more than just the calculus tutor at Fort Collins. The internet provides many different options to find a tutor online.Once you have found a few websites, you should be able to use the search engines to find some choices. You should be able to find many different sites that provide information on calculus tutors in Fort Collins.Once you find a tutor, it is important to find a place that you can have phone contact with them. They need to be able to answer your questions and help you understand the lesson. As a student, you should always feel comfortable with your tutor and want to meet with them as often as possible.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Networking Mastery for Introverts How to Talk with Someone You Dont Know - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / Networking Mastery for Introverts How to Talk with Someone You Dont Know - Introvert Whisperer Networking Mastery for Introverts: How to Talk with Someone You Dont Know Introverts are great at conversations. That might come as a surprise as some people, including introverts, think that talking to others doesn’t happen much. The conversation issue for introverts is: 1- How to start a conversation with someone you don’t know and have no common ground and 2- What to talk about (because we tend to talk when we have a purpose or mission with what we say) It’s almost like if the first issue doesn’t trip you up, the second one will. Introverts are actors, politicians and yes, even speakers. All of those acts have two things in common: they are planned and have a purpose. When those two ingredients are missing, such as going to a party or networking event, it’s like looking into the black hole. It can be frightening. Over the years, I have taken my usual process oriented approach to this problem. I came up with what I call “scripts” to use for such occasions. I crafted those scripts to deal with the first issues you face (outlined above). I then practice them as if I were a sales person or actor so they come naturally. Let me give you an example for an opening script I might use: 1- Hi, I’m Bottom-line â€" I want to help you accelerate your career â€" to achieve what you want by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my 4 Building Blocks to Relationships eBookâ€" the backbone to your Networking success and fantastic work relationships.   Grab yours by visiting: CLICK HERE Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleash your professional potential.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

10 donts of Highly Successful and Talented Introverts - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / 10 don’ts of Highly Successful and Talented Introverts - Introvert Whisperer 10 don’ts of Highly Successful and Talented Introverts Introverts are all over, every one out of two or three people you know can be an introvert. Also, they resemble icebergs. What you see superficially is just a little percentage of their entire selves. Its simply that they dont usually help individuals to see the rest of them or the benefits they bring to the workplace. Remember that introversion appears to increase with knowledge so over 75% of individuals with an IQ over 160 are introverts. Here are fifteen things introvert dont do at work that gives them a marked edge to exceed expectations in the working environment. 1.           THEY DONT ENCOURAGE UNENDING CASUAL CONVERSATION This is particularly evident with regards to engaging with a violent extrovert; because an introvert can easily face it but also thinks that office casual conversation is a drain. It will put any introvert out of his/her component. Not at all like extroverts who are thrilled by such talks, introvert people are depleted and additionally exhausted by them. Introvert leans toward a lot deeper discussions, preferably about philosophical thoughts. 2.           THEY DONT SIT THROUGHOUT THE DAY AT THEIR WORKPLACE, CURSING THE WORLD AND AVOIDING DAYLIGHT Because introvert people stay alone and separated from everyone else and dont care for casual conversation or being in the spotlight doesnt mean they are disheveled, unsympathetic to anti-social or loners. They dont sit throughout the day at their work area cursing the world and escaping daylight. Thoughtful people sit quietly nurturing new thoughts and executing plans for progress. They make splendid work of art, launch new companies, and lead significant enterprises. They are glad to carry you alongside them, similarly as long as you dont demand to bring a noisy group into their world. 3.           THEY MOSTLY DONT BRING OUT NEGATIVE FEELINGS IN OTHERS Studies recommend that extroverts have more positive emotions than introverts due to larger networks. However extrovert people dont generally make other individuals feel those same positive feelings. Indeed, studies demonstrate that extrovert individuals really have somewhat progressively troublesome relations with teammates and evoke increasingly negative feelings in others contrasted with introvert people. Numerous extrovert individuals, therefore, regularly begin with higher status however lose it after some time. 4.           THEY DONT REMAIN QUIET ON TOPICS THEYRE ENTHUSIASTIC ABOUT The predominant stereotype in numerous work environments is that extroverts are alluring and not shy of talking, while introverts are shy and avoid speaking up. Reality is that introverts wont talk except if they have something essential to state or potentially are profoundly energetic about a topic. 5.           THEY DONT SUPPORT SUPERFICIAL OFFICE POLITICS AND GOSSIPS There are many small-minded individuals in our working environments. These individuals purposely or unknowingly want to keep things light and superficial. If you are not cautious, you can easily get swept away by their everlasting chitchat, politics and gossips. Luckily for introverts, they normally do not enjoy casual talks or empty chitchat that has no genuine substance, and that doesnt go past the surface. Introverts just wont give gossip the time of day, and chitchatting about hypothetical situations with everybody genuinely isnt in their DNA. 6.           THEY WOULDNT MIND TAKING ON SOLO PROJECTS While extroverts love working in teams or groups and fear solo activities, introvert function admirably on one-to-one relationships and are normally attracted to increasingly detail-oriented, solo careers that enable them to dive in with few interruptions. The latters capacity to concentrate deeply regarding a subject and work long hours independently makes them splendidly appropriate for specific professions, for example, researchers, in the background tech workers, in-the-field natural researchers and writers. 7.           THEY DONT MISS DEADLINES EASILY That is on the grounds that they are great at processing data and planning ahead. As long as goals and deadlines are understood, theres no compelling reason to float over their shoulders and micromanage. Youll take advantage of an introvert employee by giving those clear instructions and a great deal of room. 8.           THEY DONT HATE INDIVIDUALS OR PARTNERS Because introverts are self-intelligent and do not like being hindered at work doesnt mean they hate individuals. They simply tend to do their best work on their own, lean towards a couple of good companions over numerous acquaintances and should be given air time as they regularly wont request it. When you give them that and understand they are progressively reserved, you can set up a deep and satisfying personal and professional relationship with them. And you need to be friends with introverts in light of the fact that they are hard-wired for excellence in whatever field of specialty they pick at work. 9.           THEY DONT ACT THOUGHTLESSLY Introverts have a frame of mind of recognition, reflection and caution, they dont act carelessly. Rather, they pause before action and are naturally certain and steady. This interruption, frequently mistaken with hesitation, gives them an opportunity to think about and analyze circumstances so the moves made, bode well over the long run. Interestingly, extroverts will, in general, be progressively spontaneous and react promptly. Acting in haste isnt really terrible, however, it is frequently hazardous. 10. THEY DONT TALK BEFORE THEY THINK While most extroverts will interrupt you when you are attempting to say something since they can hardly wait for their go-to talk, extroverts will take as much time as is needed before opening their mouth, quietly listening and reflecting in their mind as opposed to verbally processing. IN A NUTSHELL Introverts are powerful and detail-oriented as they seek motivation within themselves. I hope these tips will help you in becoming a successful introvert. Author Bio: Asjad is a passionate writer. Hes a student of computer science. When he isnt glued to his computer screen, he plays cricket, learns new languages and workout. Hes currently writing for Discount Codez and other blogs. He loves hiking and visits new places. You can reach him on  Twitter  or  Facebook. Image source: Unsplash Go to top Let me emphasize that Self-Promotion doesn’t have to be obnoxious to be effective.   But, if you don’t Self-Promote you, who will? If you ever want to get ahead, you have to learn how to Self-Promote. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my video that shows you simple, yet effective ways to Self-Promote. Start watching now by clicking here! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

Watch Out! 16 Spanish Words That Easily Fool New Learners

Watch Out! 16 Spanish Words That Easily Fool New Learners Madalyn Danielson Beginners, take note! There are several words in Spanish that deceive English-speaking learners. Here, Fairfax, CA tutor Jason N.  explains what this means for your learning, and some of the words to watch out for No wonder you want to learn Spanish! Its the undisputed second language of California, and the United States for that matter. In 10 years, it could even be the most commonly spoken language in this country. The U.S. Census Bureau reports that Los Angeles, for example, is 53% Latin American and growing. That means that if youre Caucasian or born in this country, you could be an English-speaking minority. Luckily, English and Spanish have similar roots; both highly influenced by their origin language, Latin, although Spanish more so. If you are a native English-speaker, this clearly facilitates learning Spanish as a second language. For instance, many words in English, such as ‘active’ or ‘car’, are surprisingly similar in Spanish (activo  and carro). It’s easy to assume here, “Wow! Spanish is easy! You just add an ‘o’ to the English word!” If only it were that simple. Unfortunately, this pattern can be deceptive, as many words in Spanish that seem familiar actually arent at all. These are called false cognates or false friends, words that appear the same across languages due to their similarity in form, but actually have different roots and entirely different meanings. Related: 75 Helpful Spanish Cognates to Know   Here are several examples: Familiar  in Spanish actually means familial or family-related, not familiar. Largo  in Spanish actually means long, not large. Realizar  in Spanish actually means to do in English, not to realize. Recordar  in Spanish actually means ‘to remember’ or ‘to remind (depending on the context), instead of ‘to record. Grabar  in Spanish actually means ‘to record,’ not ‘to grab.’ Soportar  in Spanish actually means to tolerate, not ‘to support,’ in English. Working with a Spanish tutor can help you watch out for these little traps. Now, test yourself: Why Work With a Tutor? False cognates are not easy to learn or to memorize, yet they are ubiquitous in Spanish. Unfortunately, many native English-speakers learning Spanish commonly use them incorrectly without realizing it, and therefore are frequently misunderstood by Spanish-speakers. Even I, an experienced Spanish tutor, still continue to discover new false cognates despite speaking, reading, writing, and listening to Spanish almost daily for over 10 years. A Spanish tutor can help you or your son or daughter become aware of these essential subtleties and bolster your language acumen in a way that studying alone cannot so you understand more and can speak and write in ways that native speakers can better understand. Jason N. tutors in English and Spanish in Fairfax, CA.  He majored in Spanish at UC Davis, lived in Mexico for 3 years where he completed a Masters degree in Counseling, and studied Spanish Literature and Psychology at the University of Costa Rica. Learn more about Jason here!   Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo by Kevin OMara

How to Teach Children the Drums

How to Teach Children the Drums How to Get Kids Started with Drumming ChaptersIs There an Ideal Age to Start Learning to Play Drums?Why Should Children Learn the Drums?Which Drums Should Children Play?Drum Lessons for Children“Everybody is a Genius. But If You Judge a Fish by Its Ability to Climb a Tree, It Will Live Its Whole Life Believing that It is Stupid.”A lot of children choose to start learning a musical instrument when they’re in primary school.  Becoming a drummer takes work and regular practice. A child who wants to learn how to play the drums (and their parents) should be aware of this.There are a lot of benefits to learning to play the drums as long as you learn them in the right way.So when should a child start learning to play the drums? Which drums should they choose? Do they need to take children’s drum classes?In this article, we’re going to have a look at the answers to these very questions.A fusion or jazzette kit will be better than a rock kit, which can have a 22” bass drum.I recommend having a look at the second-hand market to find a good drum kit for less. Thus, you won’t have invested too much money if your child decides to give up after just a few lessons. There are plenty of second-hand websites like eBay, Craigslist, and Gumtree.Drum Lessons for ChildrenA child won’t be able to teach themselves to teach the drums. They need to be guided and encouraged in order to improve their skills and progress.Drummers can benefit a lot from joining a band. (Source: StockSnap)Thus, they’ll need drum lessons. There are a number of different options:Playing drums with a private drum tutor: a private tutor will know, from the very first drum lessons, exactly how to help your child to improve their drumming by working with their strengths and weaknesses. They’ll come to your house, saving you precious time! However, the child is alone. They won’t be able to share their experience with other musicians whether they’re learning drums, guitar, bass, or piano.Learning drums in a conservatoire: while t he drums aren’t the most popular instrument learnt by students at conservatoires, children can learn how to play classical drums or jazz drums in these prestigious music schools. By the age of 6 or 7, the child will have chosen their instrument and will be well into their studies after a few years. They can improve and go through their grades.Joining a music school: A music school can sometimes cost quite a bit. However, the teaching is more flexible. Your child can meet other musicians and share their experience with other children and experienced musicians. It’s also the perfect place to practise without annoying everyone in the house and the neighbours!For private lessons, you can expect to pay between £15 and £30 per hour, several hundred pounds for a year at a conservatoire or a music school. If you're sold on getting your child private drum tutorials, then you should have a look at some of the private tutors available on Superprof. You can search by musical instrument an d by location.If you can't find any tutors near you, don't forget that there are also online private tutors who can teach your child over webcam. While this can be quite difficult for drums, with an electronic drum kit, you'll be surprised what's possible online. In fact, nowadays, almost any skill can be taught over webcam.Drums are the perfect instrument to unwind, have fun, learn more about music, improve your memory, and gain discipline.Is your child ready to start learning how to play this demanding and fascinating instrument?

The Second World War

The Second World War An Analysis of World War II ChaptersPrelude to the Second World WarThe European TheaterWar in the PacificWorld War II: ConclusionsThis war, that took place less than 100 years ago, that irrevocably changed the socio-political alignment of virtually every single nation, whose impacts are felt still today, is one of the most studied events in human history.Curiously enough, for all of the focus on it, there is substantial disagreement over which event actually started the global conflict, and when.One prominent British historian, Alan J. P. Taylor posits that the European and Sino-Japanese wars started at the same time and merged in 1941.Antony Beevor, another British historian, pins the actual starting date of this global conflict to the battles fought by Japan against Mongol and Russian forces along the Russian border, at Khalkhyn Gol, that started in May 1939.One last, prominent postulate dates the start of the second World War to the second round of fighting between Italy and Ethiopia that started on October 3rd, 1935.At that time, many countries were still reeling from the effects of the Great Depression and thoughts of war most likely came second to survival and rebuilding economies.Seen from that perspective, some might think it odd that the one European country that suffered the most from the Depression would author the bloodiest war of all time.Conventional analysis puts the actual start of the Second World War in Europe on September 1st, 1939, the date of Poland’s invasion by Nazi forces.That event and date will be our springboard as we launch ourselves into the examination of tactics and weaponry, alliances and innovations that cost so many lives and changed humankind forever.Thus it would be understandable that, while Germany remained reviled, the world’s focus was not necessarily on its manoeuvering at all times.This is a critical aspect of developments of the war in Europe the would shape postwar policy and politics for years to come.Elsewhere in the world...The Russian Ci vil War, a raged for five years (1917-22)The Finnish civil war lasted just under a year (1918)The Polish border conflict carried on for decades against the CzechsThe War of the Insane in Indochina took up most France’s military might and money, followed shortly thereafter by the Franco-Syrian War (1920)By no means were only European lands so embroiled. However, our abbreviated list shows that all of Germany’s neighbours were otherwise engaged; nobody had the resources to monitor German goings-on.What about Great Britain during that interwar period?We had our own troubles: the Malabar Uprising, the Ikhwan Revolt, the Cyprus Revolt...All told, hardly anyone raised an eyebrow when Germany annexed Austria. That mild reaction possibly led Hitler to believe he could simply take any land he wanted, through political bullying or by force.Those same tactics were evident when the Crown attempted to maintain control of the American colonies, some 300 years before...During the London Blitz, tube stations served as air raid shelters Source: WikipediaThe European TheaterAfter several false flag incidents along the German-Polish border, the actual invasion of Poland took place in the form of a battle. Polish forces held out for seven days against a multi-pronged assault that included naval warfare.Great Britain immediately served Germany with an ultimatum to cease all military activity; 48 hours later, France, Australia and New Zealand joined the UK in declaring war against Germany because no reply to the ultimatum was given.Although none of those allies provided direct support to Poland, they set up a naval blockade intended to limit supply routes, and thus the war. Germany responded by attacking the various fleets with submarines, kicking off the Battle of the Atlantic.On land, once the Wehrmacht reached Warsaw, Russia entered Poland from the east. They did not consider that an invasion, reasoning that Poland had fallen and therefore was up for grabs.After dividing Pol and with Russia, Hitler extended an offer of peace to France and the UK but insisted that Poland would remain under German an Soviet control. The French and British unanimously rejected those terms.Were it not for bad weather, Hitler’s attack on France would have been immediate.His troops circumvented the Maginot line in May of 1940. Total surrender came just six weeks later.Meanwhile, Russia, seemingly emboldened by Nazi audacity, swiftly annexed Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. The Finns were not so keen on Russian invasion; they fought mightily and ended their conflict with minimum casualties.You might think that Russia’s emulation of Nazi tactics would lead to an alliance but they could not agree on salient points an ultimately turned on one another.That left Germany fighting a two-front war  with a lone ally.The Hitler-Mussolini bromance was founded on their mutual desire to have the entire world submit to their leadership so they imagined a Berlin-to-Rome axis around which g lobal policy would revolve.The name Axis Powers  is derived from that imaginary line.Want to learn more about what life was like in Nazi Germany?War in the PacificOut of fear of becoming colonised by Western powers, as China had been, and a need for raw resources not found on its archipelago, Japan was intent on dominating the Pacific.To that end, Japanese forces had invaded China two years before the war in Europe had begun although neither country had formally declared war on the other.The Japanese then went further abroad, launching surprise attacks on European colonies: Malaya, Singapore, Hong Kong and the Philippines.From there, with their aircraft carriers and fleets of aeroplanes, it was no great stretch to engage the United States through a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor.The Japanese managed something even Winston Churchill couldn’t do...Whereas the Americans had been supporting Allied war efforts through civilian and monetary contributions, Japan’s attack on their Paci fic outpost forced their hand: they were now compelled to join in the fighting alongside the Allied Powers.Newly-elected British Prime Minister Clement Attlee alongside American president Truman and Soviet leader Stalin in Potsdam Source: Wikipedia, via American National ArchivesWorld War II: ConclusionsThe Battle of Midway proved decisive but the end of Japanese aggression came only after the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The Japanese signed the formal surrender on September 2nd, 1945.Although Hitler’s death on April 30th, 1945 is generally considered the end of hostilities in Europe, Germany capitulated in an unconditional surrender on May 8th.And, for years afterwards, many countries lived under austerity measures while rebuilding their cities, their economy; their lives...In essence, the bloodiest war in history comes down to two factions, the Allies and the Axis powers  consisting of Germany, Italy and Japan, duking it out for supremacy at the cost of millions of casualt ies.Not just the ones who perished in bombing raids and in concentration camps, as dark a stain on humanity as they were, but those who suffered under Mussolini’s fascist regime and those who perished in the Nanking massacre.Lessons learned: Germany, having caused both world wars, was not to be left unsupervised.The Potsdam Conference determined that the French, British and American armed forces would occupy the country and they did so for the next 45 years. The seat of power, Berlin, would also be divided into four sectors.The Soviets, a member of that alliance, were also charged with occupying German territory.However, they took that measure too far, claiming fully half of Berlin along with the share of Germany assigned them at the Yalta Conference and promptly annexed it as their own territory.That caused The Allies to turn against the Soviets, ushering in the Cold War.Also as a result of this second global war, the Allied powers joined up to form the North Atlantic Treaty Orga nisation in 1949. Today, this defence pact includes 29 nations.This is obviously a very simplistic breakdown, along lines of power and regions of influence that completely omits the North African campaign, the Italian campaign, the Mediterranean and Middle East campaign...Nor does it say anything about the giant leaps in science, technology and military intelligence gathering.Alan Turing improved on Enigma, a code-breaking machine that greatly advanced the field of cryptanalysisThe tank, primarily a support of infantry troops in WW1, became a main component of ground fightingNaturally, that led to more powerful guns, capable of destroying tanks.Ernest Rutherford split the atom in 1917 but it is Enrico Fermi who is credited with the creation of the atomic bomb.Women contributed heavily toward the war effort; even today, Rosie the Riveter is a symbol of female empowerment.Out of the ashes came a lot of good... but what a terrible heap of ashes the second World War was!Read more about historic events that changed the flavour of politics and economics around the world...

A University of California, Los Angeles College Experience

A University of California, Los Angeles College Experience Danielle is a Los Angeles tutor specializing in history tutoring. She earned her bachelors degree in history from the University of California, Los Angeles in 2016. Want to know what she had to say about her college experience? Read on! Describe the campus setting and transportation options. Danielle: The setting for UCLA is definitely urban. There are plenty of transportation options, including local Metro, Big Blue Bus, and Expo Lines. Theres also a BruinBus specifically for UCLA students who live a little further from campus. I felt very safe on campus, even walking alone at night or early in the morning. There are buses, but most undergraduates walk to and from campus because they live in the immediate area. How available are the professors, academic advisers, and teaching assistants? Danielle: Professors, advisers, and teaching assistants, for the most part, make themselves very accessible to students. Particularly teaching assistants, they can really save your lives sometimes! All of my TAs were flexible and willing to help me in my understanding of the material. How would you describe the dorm liferooms, dining options, location, socialization opportunities with other students? Danielle: I really enjoyed dorm life! I lived on campus for two years and then off campus for the last two. This is pretty typical for students to do at UCLA. In my freshman year, living in the dorms was a great way to make connections and friendships with other incoming freshman. UCLA dining halls are the best! You always had so many options depending on what you were feeling. The Hill as its called, was a great place to connect with other students and feel at home away from home. Which majors/programs are best represented and supported? Danielle: UCLA, because of its premier experience in healthcare and medicine, gives the most support to pre-med students, in my opinion. I studied history because I always knew I wanted to become a history teacher. I love how history has multiple perspectives and can empower one who knows their history. I think UCLA did a great job supporting my area of study as well. How easy or difficult was it for you to meet people and make friends as a freshman? Does Greek life play a significant role in the campus social life? Danielle: It was pretty easy to meet people and make friends as a freshman, regardless of Greek life. I did not join a sorority and made a lot of my friends in my freshman hall and the places I worked at on campus. It was very easy to make friends with a lot of different people as a freshman because everyone was usually excited to meet new people! How helpful is the Career Centerand other student support services? Danielle: I did not utilize the campus Career Center or other student support services that dealt with career. I used their online job search platform, BruinView, which was useful at times. How are the various study areas such aslibraries, the student union, and dorm lounges? Danielle: Because UCLA is a big campus with a lot of students, some study spaces can become easily crowded. Especially during midterm and finals season, it can be hard to find a space to study. The best thing to do is to reserve a study room at the libraries; I did this many times and it made studying so much less stressful! Describe the surrounding town. Danielle: Westwood Village is a comfortable college town. There are lots of restaurants and shops. However, I think that they could be more geared toward students, in terms of price range. I think that now because Uber/Lyft exist it is easier for students to go to Downtown Santa Monica or Downtown LA. During my freshman year, the best thing to do on the weekend was to go to the beach (Santa Monica or Venice) or the fabulous Getty Museum! How big or small is the student body? Were you generally pleased or displeased with the typical class sizes? Danielle: The student body of UCLA is very big. I was not very pleased with typical class sizes because they were so large most of the time. However, by the time I started taking upper division classes, class sizes were 60 or below. I preferred taking seminar-style classes that only had around 20 people. Describe one memorable experience with a professor and/or class. Perhaps one you loved the most or one youregretthe most. Danielle: My favorite class at UCLA was my first education class which was about race, class, and gender in education. This class helped me decide to become a teacher and instilled in me the value of a quality education that is accessible to all students, regardless of their background. This class really resonated with me and I will still reflect on my learning in this class to this day as I pursue my Masters in Education at UCLA. Check out Danielles tutoring profile. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.

English Quantifiers All, Most and Every with Video, Exercises and a Goldfish Joke

English Quantifiers All, Most and Every with Video, Exercises and a Goldfish Joke All, most and every are quantifiers that are often confused in English. The most common mistake is using all too often when you should use everything/everybody. Another very common mistake is making everything/everybody plural rather than singular and using the incorrect conjugation of the verb.In this English lesson, we have included video of a speech given by American author David Foster Wallace. In the speech makes generalizations using all and everybody. If you are discussing generalities it is extremely important to use these words correctly.The video This is Water also uses advanced vocabulary and many collocations. So if you think your English vocabulary is good, test it by watching the second video.To start, watch the first video below about using all, most and every, then try the exercises. We also have a special lesson about this topic that you can study with our English teachers in live classes via Skype. If you are a current student, ask your teacher about it. If you want to try a first free English class with us, register by clicking here.English Collocations All, Most and Every Video Complete the exercise below to practice using all, every and most. Answer in comments and we will respond.1. We’ve eaten ______cake. (all the/all)2. ________ is ready for the party. We’re just waiting for the guests to arrive. (all/everything)3. _______people enjoy the summer except if it is too hot. (most/most of)4. She goes dancing _________ Friday night. (all/every)5. She is late ________. (all the time/ every time)Listening Exercise: This is WaterListening Questions. Answer as many as you can in comments, and we will respond.1. Tell me the opening joke.2. Getting to the store takes way longer than it ______.3. The checkout line is incredibly long which is ______ and __________.4. What does he say is ‘our’ natural default setting?5. Please don’t think that I’m giving you ____ advice.6. If you really learn how to _____, how to ___ attention then you will know you have other options.7. How does he explain changing the way you think can change your experience at say the grocery store?8. Why does he say capital T truth?9. What do we have to keep reminding ourselves about?What do you think of the video?Do you really think we have a choice on how we think?Do you feel that adulthood is filled with boring, mundane, tediousness? Eliseu Silva 1. We’ve eaten ALL THE cake. 2. EVERYTHING is ready for the party. We’re just waiting for the guests to arrive. 3. MOST people enjoy the summer except if it is too hot. 4. She goes dancing EVERY Friday night. 5. She is late ALL TIME. LOIEnglish Eliseu, very good. Only one mistake. Number 5: It should be all THE time. She is late all THE time. or She is always late.